Freedom is the faculty a person or group possesses to act according to their rights and will in different situations. Personal freedom implies prior knowledge of the consequences of acts and is limited when it affects the freedom of others. There are both physical (actions) and ideological (thought, opinion, belief) freedom.

Freedom is a fundamental value conferred on the human being for the sole fact of having a life. It is part of the fundamental human rights and vital for religion, philosophy, ethics, and law.
Different types of freedom are considered the most important aspects of the human being. For example, freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and freedom of expression. These types of personal freedom should not go against social norms of coexistence.
Freedom has a series of characteristics: self-determination, the capacity to choose, the will, and the absence of slavery. The latter alludes to another of the definitions of freedom (since the term freedom is a broad concept that includes several dimensions). One of these dimensions defines freedom as the characteristic of a person not in prison or captivity.
Types of Freedom
- Freedom of expression: All men have the right to express their ideologies and opinions in any form. Through acts or words, the human being can express his thoughts.
- Freedom of opinion: The right that the human being possesses to disagree or discuss the points of view that he professes with those with a different position. It implies that each individual be prudent in presenting their opinions, bearing in mind that where their freedom ends, that of the other begins.
- Freedom of association. Right that each individual has to group. This task is carried out in institutions, organizations, political parties, or any other group with legal objectives. Through this right to freedom of association, no individual may be forced to remain in an organization or institution to which they no longer wish to belong.
- Freedom of worship: Right that gives each human being the possibility of choosing a religion or none, without this meaning of pressure or ties.
- Freedom of choice: The capacity of each human to make their own decisions and decide on what is part of their private and public life. This right has to be valued without being punished.
- Freedom of movement: The right that grants each human being the possibility of moving within the territory. Every human being can circulate as long as they abide by certain current regulations issued by the authorities of some territories, which require documents and visas to enter or leave their territories.
- Academic freedom. The right of every person to teach or proceed to debates on different topics. This also refers to the right to conduct research and then openly show the results without being subjected to any limitation or censorship.
Examples of types of freedom
- Write a reader letter to the zonal newspaper. (Freedom of expression)
- Defend a position in a political debate. (Freedom of opinion).
- Found a community care center. (Freedom of association).
- Attend the temple on Saturdays. (Freedom of worship).
- Quit your job to start your own business. (Freedom of choice).
- Tour the country on a motorcycle. (Freedom of movement).
- Study Fine Arts at the Universidad Iberoamericana. (Academic freedom).