Scientific Articles on Climate Change

A scientific article It is a writing that addresses topics of scientific interest, that is, in which ideas and arguments related to the world of science and specialized knowledge are shared. In general, they are the result of a previous research work, of which they offer a summary of premises, procedures and results.

Since scientific articles are often written by scientists and academics, they typically present highly technical language. Depending on the audience they are addressing, we can talk about:

  • Academic scientific articles. They are aimed at specialized audiences and use technical language.
  • Informative scientific articles. They are aimed at the general public and use simple language.

Scientific articles on climate change

Climate change is one of the great issues of our era, since at the end of the 20th century it was found that human industrialization has had a notable and sustained impact on global warming. We know as climate change the effects that this phenomenon has on the atmosphere, among which are the production of more extreme climates in more chaotic cycles.

Some examples of scientific articles on climate change:

  1. United in science. It is a scientific report prepared by the World Meteorological Organization, under the auspices of the UN Climate Action Summit held in 2019. A significant number of scientists and scholars of the atmosphere warn that the period between 2015 and 2019 has been the longest warm throughout the history of the atmospheric record, at about 1.1 ° C above pre-industrial levels, which causes a verifiable increase in the level of the oceans and also in their degree of acidity (26% more acidic), between other alarming gauges whose consequences on life on the planet can be catastrophic.
  2. Report: how climate change affects us. It is a report prepared by the non-governmental organization Greenpeace to document and compile the consequences that climate change brings in Spain, providing research and testimonies from the local scientific community. According to specialists, the sea level on the Spanish coasts will soon rise between 10 and 68 centimeters, leaving many of the Cantabrian beaches underwater. The report can be downloaded for free on the organization’s website.
  3. We are in a race to control the planet’s climate: the fight must continue”. It is an article published in the American media outlet The Conversation, where the Spanish professor of applied physics Antonio Ruiz de Elvira Serra expresses his outrage at the news evidence of how little world powers are doing to change their economic model to protect the planet climate disaster. “The Keeling curve, the continuous measure of CO concentrationtwo in the atmosphere, it shows no signs of abating “, explains the author,” It continues to grow and this year they have exceeded 415 parts per million. “
  4. “Hot oceans, the ‘fuel‘ of hurricanes”. It is an interview with Juan Diego Giraldo Osorio, doctor in Water Resources Management and professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, published in the informative newsletter Pesquisa Javeriana of the same university in Colombia. This conversation explains how the warming of the oceans has a direct effect on the frequency and intensity of hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean. So in a warmer world, we could face continued devastating hurricane seasons.
  5. Climate change: What awaits us?. Graciela Binimelis de Raga, a doctor in atmospheric sciences from the University of Washington and a climate researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), is the author of this popular article in which she not only explains the real consequences of climate change in our lives, but also makes a historical approach to the problem, detailing the warnings and evaluations of the different Intergovernmental Panels for Climate Change (IPCC, for its acronym in English).
  6. Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming. It is an article by numerous scientific authors that evidences the results of academic research on the issue of whether human beings are really responsible for global warming. According to the research, around 97% of climate scholars agree with the hypothesis that industrialization and the release of greenhouse gases by humanity is the main cause of climate change. It is not true, then, that there is no scientific consensus on this, and this academic article in English details why.
  7. The Anatomy of Glacial Ice Loss. It is an article prepared by scientists from the American NASA that relies on animations and real footage, and shows the earlier and deeper melting of the glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica, the two places in the world with the most ice sheets there are accumulated. The melting of the ice at the two poles of the planet is becoming faster and faster each year, so it is worth preparing for a significant rise in sea levels in the near future.
  8. The rise in temperature of the planet in three graphs. It is an article of scientific journalism, published by Oriol Vidal in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, which goes to various sources such as NASA, the World Meteorological Organization, the UN, among others, to compile graphic documentation regarding the increase in temperature of the atmosphere in the last 7 years, the warmest in recorded history. It also reminds us of the deadlines that we have set to stop climate change, which require immediate action so that around 2100 we can have a stable climate again.
  9. Climate change is already affecting the seasons. It is an informative article published on the portal of the scientific journal Nature offers a look at the present, observable and recorded effects that climate change has on the regularity of the weather seasons and on the life forms that are governed by them, such as flowering plants or migratory animals. Many citizen scientific initiatives keep records of the species that have modified their habits in an attempt to adapt or whose life cycles are interrupted by the imbalance of temperatures.
  10. Climate change and its effects on the biodiversity of Latin America. Eduardo Uribe Botero and Lina P. Ávila Rodríguez are consultants in the climate change unit of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) financed by the European Union, and in this extensive document they warn about the particular vulnerabilities that Latin America presents in the face of climate change, especially since it is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Scholars analyze local conservation strategies and the state of public policies in the region that seek to mitigate this global phenomenon.


  • “Scientific article” in Wikipedia.
  • “Scientific dissemination” in Wikipedia.