Children’s Games Instructions

How do you play ludo or Parcheesi?

The ludo or ludo is a board game that can be played by 2 to 4 players. In addition to the board, a six-sided die and four pieces of different colors are required: red, blue, green, yellow. Each player must choose a color, and will try to carry their chips from the starting point to the arrival point, advancing the number of squares indicated by each roll of the dice.

The game starts with all the tiles in their respective starting points. It is determined randomly (by rolling the dice to see who gets the highest result) who will play first and then it takes turns.

To remove each of their pieces from the starting point to the white squares, the players must get a 6 on the die, and from now on they will be able to choose between taking a new piece or advancing the ones they already have on the board six squares. In addition, each time a player rolls a 6 on the die, they will also get an extra turn.

In the event that a player’s token matches one of another player in the same space, the latter will be captured and will return to the starting point. When a player’s pieces reach the squares of the corresponding color, they will leave the white squares and move vertically towards the goal, but they will only be able to enter the arrival point by obtaining an exact result on the dice.

Otherwise, the number of remaining squares will go back. In other words, if there are three spaces left to reach the goal and a 4 is rolled on the die, the token will advance the three remaining spaces and then go back one.

The first player to get all of their chips to the finish line wins the game.

How do you play hopscotch or tread?

The hopscotch is a game that can be played by any number of players, although only one can play it at a time. A chalk is required, with which a square is drawn on the ground and inside it a number 1, then another square with the number 2 and another with 3, trying to make them have the same dimensions. Then boxes 4 and 5 are painted, one next to the other, then continue as before with number 6. This structure is repeated until reaching number 10, which is drawn in a larger square.

To play we must jump by one foot on each square, except in those that are together, in which we must put both feet at the same time, one in each square, but always without stepping on the hopscotch lines and maintaining balance. Stepping on the lines or dropping the foot will cause the player to lose and have to give the turn to another.

The game begins by throwing a small stone or plastic cap on the hopscotch, making sure it falls into square number 1 and without touching the lines (if it leaves the square or touches the lines, you must try again on your next turn).

The player must then jump the hopscotch, without stepping on the square with the stone, advancing towards 10. In this last square he must turn around, in one jump and without lowering his foot or touching the lines, and go through the hopscotch again to square number 1, where he will pick up his stone without losing his balance and return to the start. If everything went well, you can then throw the stone at square number 2 and jump hopscotch again. The first to do so on all squares wins the game.

How do you play blind man’s buff?

The blind chicken is a game that can be played by any number of players, in a wide space and without obstacles or risk of falling. One of them will blindfold with a cloth or rag and will be the “blind chicken”, and will have to catch or find the others through hearing and touch. The others must avoid being caught, and can give instructions (true or false) to the blind chicken, to guide it towards other players or to mislead it.

When the blind man discovers and catches a player, he must also say who it is. If he is correct, they will switch roles. The new blind chicken will be blindfolded, turned three times on its axis, and the game begins again. This game can last as long as you want.

What is an instructional text?

A instructional text It is a type of writing that provides the reader with the instructions required for something, that is, a series of steps to follow to solve a problem, carry out a task or use a tool. Its purpose is to guide and standardize the behavior of the reader, in such a way that it complies with an established method.

Examples of instructional text are: cooking recipes, instructions for assembling furniture, instructions for using a washing machine, directions we give to get to a place or directions for taking a medicine.


  • “Instructional text” in Wikipedia.
  • “Ludo” in Wikipedia.
  • “Hopscotch (game)” in Wikipedia.
  • “Blind chicken” in Wikipedia.