30 URL Examples

The Url They are the addresses by which we access all the websites we visit. It is used as an easier way to hide what is actually behind it: a IP number which identifies a server. The birth of URLs was given as a way to share websites and that the person could remember them by name. For example: www.google.com, www.youtube.com/watch?v=PscXGpsF3dY, (Amazon).

Consider, for example, if URLs didn’t exist, people would have to share a number like, something that would obviously be much more difficult, if not impossible, to memorize.

Examples of URLs we normally use

  1. www.google.com
  2. www.facebook.com
  3. www.youtube.com
  4. www.themeforest.net
  5. www.enter.co
  6. www.icefilms.info
  7. www.wikipedia.org
  8. www.rojadirecta.me
  9. blog.hubspot.com
  10. en.wikipedia.org
  11. help.iwantmyname.com
  12. support.hostgator.com

Then we also have URLs that take us to a particular content, for example:

  1. www.domain.me/what-are-subdomains/
  2. www.google.com/adsense/start/
  3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=PscXGpsF3dY
  4. www.halfelf.org/2012/subdomain-vs-domain/

Then we also have URLs that, as we discussed at the beginning, are IP numbers. If we enter them, we will see that they lead us to a website in particular, as if we entered through the original address.

  1. (Amazon)
  2. (Google)
  3. (Reddit)
  4. (Yahoo!)

URLs also have endings that tell us where the website belongs. These are normally used by local users Y Government agencies of that country. For example:

  1. www.google.mx (Mexico)
  2. www.buenosaires.gob.ar (Argentina)
  3. www.nic.bo (Bolivia)
  4. www.lanacion.com
  5. www.paypal.com
  6. www.youtube.com
  7. codecanyon.net
  8. www.examples.co